Reapertale Wikia


Toriel is the goddess of life and ex-wife of the god of the sky, Asgore. She is later discovered hiding from him, in a attempt to stay hidden and roam freely. She is a natural born god and a perfect angel.


In the most cases Toriel is commonly shown to be wearing a light green dress that reaches to touch the floor. Her dress lacks sleeves and sometimes has a soft yellow-color on the edges that have vines and flowers on occasions. She also dons a choker with a flower in the center, and a capelet the color yellow over her light green dress. Her eyes are the color crimson and she sometimes has a flower crown, but not always, Toriel was usually seen wearing it when she was in her hidden sanctuary of life. On the waist of her dress she has a waist sash a darker color green with a golden and circular item that looks similar to a coin on her left side. She is shown to also have two golden chains attached to her waist sash.


Toriel is shown to be similar to her original counterpart, kind and gentle loving all of her creations she had made being the goddess of life. She acts rather hostile and defensive around Sans who is the God of Death. Toriel claims and shows to be caring of her living creations and says Sans is to fault for everything. Since Toriel views all life as being a gift, she is a gentle and sweet goddess that ends up eventually warming up to Sans.

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